Jim Cramer

Jim Cramer

I don’t know how many of you watch Cramer on CNBC. I usually flip through when he’s on and watch as much as I can handle, and I do get the feed from Blogging Stocks. The thing I appreciate about Cramer is he speaks his mind and gut. Sometimes he’s right, sometimes he’s not (right Jon Stewart?)

This time, I hope he’s right…

“And why not? Prices have come down gigantically. Mortgages are the cheapest in our lifetimes. There’s a new tax credit for first-time homebuyers. You combine all of these and you get two things: 1) It is dramatically cheaper to buy than to rent — by as much as $4,000 a month, and 2) You have to be an idiot not to think about buying a property right now.

Still, nobody believes. I hear such non-refutational nonsense around the clock. People email me, telling me that I have no idea what I am talking about with the “coming bottom” in real estate. Here’s the staples; you have probably heard of a lot of them by now:”

see the entire post here